
Digital Signature

Buy Class 2 & Class 3 Digital Signatures for Income tax returns, ROC Forms, GST and Tenders.
Prices starting at
INR 19999 /- only.

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    All you need to know about Digital Signature

    A Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) is an electronic form of a signature that serves as a secure way to authenticate digital information and verify the identity of the sender or signatory. Here’s what you need to know about DSC:

    What is a Digital Signature Certificate?

    A Digital Signature Certificate is a virtual representation of a physical signature. It is issued by authorized Certifying Authorities (CAs) in India under the Information Technology Act, 2000. A DSC includes the certificate holder’s name, public key, issuing CA’s digital signature, and expiration date.



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    Types of Digital Signature Certificates:

    There are three types of DSCs based on the level of verification and permitted usage: